Simon Jacobs


  • Studied Architecture, Building and Planning (Bsc and Msc) at the University of Technology, Eindhoven
  • Studied Strategic Management (Msc, cum laude) at the Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Studied Philosophy (Msc, cum laude) at the Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Heeft zich een semester verdiept in architectuur aan de Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

A sense of perspective

In my studies, I came into contact with three distinct perspectives on the world. As an architect, you learn to design the world; as a philosopher, to question the world, and as a strategist, to add value to the world. Gupta Strategists’ rich variety in projects allows me to adopt all three perspectives. Additionally, working for Gupta allows me to contribute to one of most important social issues of our times: the quality of our health care system.

Working in teams

At Gupta Strategists, from day one you work in a team. We support and help each other in our personal and professional development. This generous base of support allowed me to take responsibility and contribute to the team effort immediately. It inspires me every day to be able to work on complex and diverse issues with kind and committed colleagues.